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 Albuquerque, New Mexico 

Feast of Tabernacles 2024 



"And it shall come to pass, that everyone that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles."  

Zech. 14:16








April 27, 2024


To: Church of God, New Mexico Mailing List


Subject: Feast of Tabernacles


Hello everyone,


I am sending this memo to everyone living outside of the Albuquerque area, to inform you that the Church of God, New Mexico will be hosting the Feast of Tabernacles in Albuquerque this year.


We will be having services starting Thursday October 17, through Thursday, October 24. Opening night services will be Wednesday, October 16th at 7:00 PM.  We have reserved the Pavilion at the Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North.


Please fill out the pre-registration form located on our website.  We will need this for our planning purposes. We look forward to seeing all of you that will be able to attend the Feast with us this year.


In Christ’s Service,

John Shavers


You can reach me by:

Phone (505) 889-2939

Email:  mail@cognm.org

Website: www.cognm.org


Many items are being added weekly. Check back often for updates.  If you would like to receive notices every time we update or add information please email us at E-mail: mail@cognm.org    
Meeting Location:  
4923 Prospect NE, Albuquerque (San Mateo @ I-40)
Mailing Address:   
P.O. Box 35365, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87176
Telephone: 505-889-2939
E-mail:  Church of God, NM 


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