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Click on the hyperlink to read the explanation

to the meaning of each Holy Day in the plan of God



God's Holy Days - 2025


Sabbath, April 12

First day of Unleavened Bread

Sunday, April 13

Last day of Unleavened Bread

Sabbath, April 19


Sunday, June 1

Feast of Trumpets

Tuesday, September 23

Day of Atonement

Thursday  October 2

Feast of Tabernacles

 October 7 - 13   Tuesday-Monday

Eighth Day

Tuesday, October 14

*Observed previous evening, after sunset

Service Times and Days

Meeting Location:  
4923 Prospect NE, Albuquerque (San Mateo @ I-40)
Mailing Address:   
P.O. Box 35365, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87176
Telephone: 505-889-2939
E-mail: Church of God