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Food Fit For People To Eat


Are You Making Yourself Sick With The Food You Eat?


Only certain animal flesh should be used as food for people to eat to sustain good health.  The following is a partial list of the most common foods that should be avoided and just a few of the possible diseases and sicknesses associated with each one:

PorkPigs are scavengers, just like vultures and other flesh eating birds.  They are assigned the task of eating things that die to turn them back into compost.  This prevents a host of social problems and diseases.  A dead animal will rot and stink and breed flies.  Flies become a carrier of bacteria, salmonella, filth and disease.

Consuming this scavenger, (eating pork) "is emerging as a serious public health and agricultural problem" states an article on why pork is unsafe to eat.1  A pork tapeworm is causing a zoonotic disease that forms cysts in humans and pigs that leads to epilepsy and death in humans. 

"Trichinosis is primarily a disease of carnivorous animals acquired through the ingestion of larvae residing in the flesh of an infected host.  Humans are accidental hosts and become infected by eating raw or undercooked meat.  Human T. spiralis spiralis infection occurs from consuming undercooked pork from pigs which have become infected by eating raw garbage or occasionally by eating garbage infected rats.  Sausage prepared from an infected pig is the most common source of clinical trichinosis in the United States." 2  

The reason why pork should not be consumed is that pigs will eat anything including feces,  (human, dog, rat or other animal) other animals (rats, mice, birds, dead pigs, etc.) and all forms of garbage.  What a pig eats will remain in the flesh of the pig after it is digested.  A pig may become diseased from what it eats, but will not die.  A pig that is infected with disease or parasites, but does not show the signs of this infection, will be slaughtered and sold for food.  A person eating this infected pig flesh will be consuming these infectious disease or parasites. Certain temperatures will kill the disease or parasites, but if a person is not careful an undercook infected meat will pass the disease or parasite to the person and they will be the new carrier.

When this author was a child there was a news report that my parents talked about with much sadness about a family in southern New Mexico that fed mercury treated seed corn to their hogs.  They later butchered one of the hogs and ate it.  The family was poisoned by the mercury that had been absorbed by the hog into it's flesh, but the hog did not die or show signs of mercury poisoning, but the family became sick.  Some of the family died and others had severe brain damage  from mercury poisoning.

Many of our meats are being imported from other countries that do not have the same oversight that we have over our food supply.  We do not know where our food supply comes from.  We very easily could be consuming a meat product that has been contaminated, diseased or infected.  Read the news of problems we have had from contamination found in our  food supply, poison in pet food, contaminated grain, adulterated honey and lead paint in and on children's toys

"T. gondii Infection in Pigs:   Transmission of T. gondii to pigs on the farm can occur. Ingesting anything that contains infective stages of the parasite can infect animals. It is known that a single oocyst is capable of causing an infection in pigs.  In a study of 47 farms in the U.S. state of Illinois, with typical rates of T. gondii infection (15% in sows and 2.3% in finishers), a variety of reservoir hosts were found, including: cats (68.3%), raccoons (67%), skunks (38.9%), opossums (22.7%), rats (6.7%) and mice (2.2%). In the same study, oocysts were found in samples of feed, soil and cat feces. A first-time infected cat can shed millions of oocysts each day for up to one week, and the oocysts can survive in most climates for several weeks or even years."


Note:  This study concludes that on the 47 farms in Illinois that 15% of the farms showed T. gondii infection in the sows and 2.3% in the pigs (finishers) for slaughter.  In addition 68.3% of those farms had cats that contained an infective state of T. gondii in them.  If the pigs ingested any feces from these infectious cats or other animals shown to carry this parasite T. gondii then it would remain in the pig until passed on to the host that ate the pig.


"In infected humans, the parasite multiplies in various tissues until the body mounts immunity, then the parasite hides in tissue as cysts. The organism remains alive and if the immune system is severely impaired, the organism can break out causing further infections. Brain damage and blindness are major consequences. People with compromised immune systems due to AIDS or cancer, the elderly, very young children and fetuses are all at high risk. The greatest concern for humans is transmission of T. gondii from mother to fetus. Women who have already been exposed to T. gondii are immune to the disease. However, in mothers who first acquire a T. gondii infection during pregnancy, about 1/3 to 1/2 of their infants are also infected. The infection could cause deformities, abortion or even stillbirth."3


Shellfish Shellfish are the cockroaches of the sea.  They too are scavengers.  Everything that dies in the sea or dies and ends up in the seas are consumed by shrimp, lobster, scallops, crabs, oysters, and mussels. This specially designed fish also is charged with the duty to clean up contaminated waters.  There are other fresh water fish assigned to do the same duty as scavengers.  They include catfish and sucker fish.

"Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP)  DSP is a gastrointestinal illness without neurologic manifestations reported worldwide (ILO 1984, Halstead 1988, Aune & Yndstad 1993).  It is caused by the consumption of contaminated shellfish (Halstead 1988). "


Ocean Pollution: Effects on Living Resources and Humans By Carl J. Sindermann states under the heading:  Human Microbial Diseases Transmitted by contaminated seafood  "As we dump more and more untreated or inadequately treated  domestic sewage into rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters, the populations in those waters of microorganisms of human origin - bacteria and viruses in particular - will be increased.  ...Of particular concern are the microorganisms that cause cholera, typhoid, dysentery, skin infections, hepatitis, botulism, and eye and ear infections.  Disease causing bacteria of human origin, present in domestic sewage, may persist for days, weeks, or months in the intestines of fish, on the body surfaces or gills, as well as in bottom sediments. ...An added element of danger results from handling or eating uncooked fish and shellfish from polluted areas.  ...certain shellfish may accumulate viruses and bacteria.  ...hepatitis is an especially persistent problem.


NoteFish that are meant to be eaten by humans will die if they become contaminated or infected from pollution, illness or disease thereby rendering safe fish that are meant to be good to eat for food.  On the other hand a fish (or shellfish) that is designed to clean up waste water and eat dead fish, animals and organisms will not die, but accumulate the viruses and bacteria that causes disease.  When we consume these fish, even though it has been cooked (cooking will kill most, but not all organisms and viruses) we can still become infected by what ever is in the shellfish or scavenger fish. 

Your body will tell you when you have eaten food that is not fit for the body or when you have eaten food that has been exposed to filth spread by unsanitary conditions.  You will become sick or ill feeling.  These unsanitary conditions can be exposure of food to insects and rodents that carry filth and disease.  To see an article of contaminated food click here.  This sickness that you feel will be in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, and headache and is the result of eating meat that was not designed for the body.

 The most common foods that are not fit for the body but yet are found on buffets and menus around the world include (but are not limited to) pork (bacon, ham, pepperoni, etc.), shrimp, crab legs, lobster, clams, oysters, catfish and other meats not listed here, but are listed in our article:  "Are You Making Yourself Sick".  Though a meat item may say beef, turkey, chicken on the package you must watch out for other ingredients  and body parts that are added or used to make the product.  Casings such as collagen may be made of pork instead of beef or lamb.  Many meats are being injected with juices derived from pork, clams or items that are not made for man to consume.

Many foods are now being flavored with flavor enhancers such as monosodium glutamate that causes headaches and other sickness that closely resembles the effects of eating an unclean meat.  You will find these flavor enhancers in most chips, dips, soups, prepared foods and in most fast food restaurants.  Read the label and ask questions at food establishments before you eat them to avoid the sickness associated with these flavor enhancers.

Other  signs and symptoms of sickness caused from specific bacteria may include: weakness, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, double vision, paralyzed eye nerves, difficulty speaking, trouble swallowing, paralysis that spreads downward, respiratory failure, and death may be caused from contamination of food with such things as  botulism, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., and Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni), Escherichia coli (E. coli). 


Foot Notes: 

1  Estimating the Global Burden of Taenia Solium Cysticercosis/Taeniosis by Helene Carabin, Linda Cowan, Theodore Nash and A. Lee Willingham, College of Public Health, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma, USA; Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Maryland; WHO/FAO Collaborating Center for Parasitic Zoonoses, Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University, Frederiksberg, Denmark.

2  Imaging of Tropical Diseases: With Epidemiological, Pathological and ... By Philip E.S. Palmer, Maurice Merrick Reeder

3  Pork Safety: Managing Toxoplasma In Swine History: Wayne Du - Pork Quality Assurance Program Lead/OMAFRA



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